Monday, October 10, 2011

ISO 14001 – Specifications With Guidance for Use

ISO 14001 – Specifications with Guidance For Use
Given the number of international participants involved in the process of developing the ISO 14001 Specifications, it is amazingly brief, consisting of five pages. This includes a Scope, Definitions, and EMS requirements.

The heart of the specification is in the EMS Requirements, the principles of which are summarized below:

Principle #1 – Commitment and Policy Top management must make a commitment to the program.

Principle #2 – Planning To be successful, the program must be organized. This includes an organizational structure, open communications, both internal and external, and a mechanism for identifying issues.

Principle #3 Implementation Program must be undertaken, including training, writing process descriptions, and establishing prevention programs.

Principle #4 Measurement and Evaluation Create a mechanism for assessing performance and progress toward goals.Principle #5 Review and Improvement? ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS)

Reference: ISO 14004, Section 4, Environmental Management System (EMS) Principles and Elements.


  1. Every time I find myself on his blog/site I am in awe. Absolutely informative stuff regarding ISO 14001. There are certain things available to be learned from this post.

  2. ISO 27001 Download is structured to be easily compatible with other management systems standards such as ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. While there are some clause numbering differences, common elements include documentation, review and audit requirements, enabling an organization to develop a largely integrated management system.
