Tuesday, September 29, 2009

ISO 9001 Certification - Documentation Requirements

ISO 9001 Certification - Documentation Requirements
ISO 9001:2008 clause 4.1 General requirements requires an organization to “establish, document, implement, and maintain a quality management system and continually improve its effectiveness in accordance with the requirements of this International Standard”
Clause 4.2.1 General explains that the quality management system documentation shall include:
documented statements of a quality policy and quality objectives;
a quality manual documented procedures required by this International Standard documents needed by the organization to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of its processes, and records required by this International Standard;
The notes after Clause 4.2 make it clear that where the standard specifically requires a “documented procedure”, the procedure has to be established, documented, implemented and maintained. It also emphasizes that the extent of the QMS documentation may differ from one organization to another due to:
the size of organization and type of activities;
the complexity of processes and their interactions, and
the competence of personnel.
All the documents that form part of the QMS have to be controlled in accordance with clause 4.2.3 of ISO 9001:2008, or, for the particular case of records, according to clause 4.2.4.


This Implementation Guidance has been developed to assist users in understanding the issues that need to be considered during the co-existence period between ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9001:2008.
While the changes between ISO 9001:2000 and ISO 9001:2008 are expected to have a limited impact on users, some arrangements regarding implementation are needed.
Note: To reflect the limited scope of the changes the term “implementation” is now being used to make a clear distinction with the former “transition” from ISO 9001:1994 to ISO 9001:2000, when there were significant changes throughout the standard.
A wide diffusion of this implementation guidance is recommended, in particular the comparison table between ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 9001:2000, given in Annex B to ISO 9001:2008.
ISO 9001:2008 has been developed in order to introduce clarifications to the existing requirements of ISO 9001:2000 and to improve compatibility with ISO 14001:2004. ISO 9001:2008 does not introduce additional requirements nor does it change the intent of the ISO 9001:2000 standard.
Certification to ISO 9001:2008 is not an “upgrade”, and organizations that are certified to ISO 9001:2000 should be afforded the same status as those who have already received a new certificate to ISO 9001:2008 No new requirements were introduced in this edition but, in order to benefit from the clarifications of ISO 9001:2008, users of the former version will need to take into consideration whether the clarifications introduced have an impact on their current interpretation of ISO 9001:2000, as changes may be necessary to their QMS In order to assist organizations to have a full understanding of the new ISO 9001:2008, it may be useful to have an insight on the revision process, how this revision reflects the inputs received from users of the standard, and the consideration given to benefits and impacts during its development.
Prior to the commencement of a revision (or amendment) to a management system standard, ISO/Guide 72:2001 Guidelines for the justification and development of management system standards recommends that a “Justification Study” is prepared to present a case for the proposed project and that it outlines details of the data and inputs used to support its arguments. In relation to the development of ISO 9001:2008 user needs were identified from the following:
- the results of a formal “Systematic Review” on ISO 9001:2000 that was performed by the members of ISO/TC 176/SC2 during 2003-2004
- feedback from the ISO/TC 176/Working Group on “Interpretations”
- the results of an extensive worldwide “User Feedback Survey on ISO 9001 and ISO 9004″ by ISO/TC 176/SC 2/WG 18 and similar national surveys.
The Justification Study identified the need for an amendment, provided that the impact on users would be limited and that changes would only be introduced when there were clear benefits to users.
The key focuses of the ISO 9001:2008 amendment were to enhance the clarity of ISO 9001:2000 and to enhance its compatibility with ISO14001:2004.
A tool for assessing the impacts versus benefits for proposed changes was created to assist the drafters of the amendment in deciding which changes should be included, and to assist in the verification of drafts against the identified user needs. The following decision making principles were applied:
1) No changes with high impact would be incorporated into the standard;
2) Changes with medium impact would only be incorporated when they provided a correspondingly medium or high benefit to users of the standard;
3) Even where a change was low impact, it had to be justified by the benefits it delivered to users, before being incorporated.
The changes incorporated in this ISO 9001:2008 edition were classified in terms of impact into the following categories:
- No changes or minimum changes on user documents, including records
- No changes or minimum changes to existing processes of the organization
- No additional training required or minimal training required
- No effects on current certifications
The benefits identified for the ISO 9001:2008 edition fall into the following categories:
- Provides clarity
- Increases compatibility with ISO 14001.
- Maintains consistency with ISO 9000 family of standards.
- Improves translatability.

Change In ISO 14001:2004 – Documentation

Change In ISO 14001:2004 – Documentation
This clause has been updated to align it with ISO 19001:2004, but has not changed in intent. The listed EMS documentation now includes:
• the environmental policy,
• objectives and targets,
• a description of the scope of the EMS,
• a description of the main elements of the EMS and their interaction and reference to related documents, documents and records
• required by the standard, • documents and records determined by the organisation as necessary to ensure the effective planning, operation and control of processes that relate to the significant environmental aspects.
Formatting changes help align Clause 4.4.5 of ISO 14001:2004 with ISO 9001:2000. An additional clarification has been made to define records as a special type of document requiring control under Clause 4.5.4. A new addition to the requirements aims to ensure documents of external origin, (i.e. MSDS, permits) that are necessary to the system, are identified and their distribution is controlled.
Formatting changes help align Clause 4.4.5 of ISO 14001:2004 with ISO 9001:2000. An additional clarification has been made to define records as a special type of document requiring control under Clause 4.5.4. A new addition to the requirements aims to ensure documents of external origin, (i.e. MSDS, permits) that are necessary to the system, are identified and their distribution is controlled.
The revised standard requires documents required by the EMS and the standard to be controlled documents.
Note that “document” is included in the definitions, and includes its supporting medium which can be paper, magnetic, electronic or optical computer disc, photograph or master sample, or a combination thereof.

ISO 14001:2004 Evaluation of compliance

ISO 14001:2004 Evaluation of compliance
This clause has been separated from 4.5.1 and includes two sub-clauses, as well as clarification and an addition to the ISO 14001:1996 standard. Included in Clause 4.5.1 of ISO 14001:1996 was a requirement for the organisation to periodically evaluate compliance with relevant (now applicable) environmental legislation and regulations. This requirement has been retained in Clause of the revised standard. In Clause, ISO 14001:2004 includes evaluation of compliance with other requirements to which the organisation subscribes, which was not specifically required by ISO 14001:1996. This clarification also includes a requirement for records of periodic evaluations of compliance to be kept.
The UK-based Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment (IEMA) has published an opinion that this means that compliance against each and every piece of legislation / regulation relating to an organisation’s environmental aspects will need to be evaluated before it can be considered to be in conformity with ISO 14001: 2004; it will not be acceptable for organisations to claim that the periodic evaluation will be covered by their internal EMS audit program at some future date.
This has always been one of the most difficult issues in ISO 14001:2004, and organisations will need to review and revise their compliance procedures to ensure that they meet these new requirements.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Quality Planning

Whenever the term “product” is used within the ISO 9001 standard, it refers to both tangible goods and intangible services. The ISO 9001 standard is meant to be generic which means that it is suitable for all kinds of organization, whether commercial or otherwise. The purpose of the quality management system model that is being propagated by the standard is the fulfillment of customer requeirements and expectations in order to induce high levels of customer satisfaction. An unsatisfied customer is essentially a customer whose requirements or needs, and expectations of the level of services being granted upon him/her have not been met. We are all customers because we buy products all the time. So we know what it means to be a dissatisfied customer. The common reaction is to never to go back to that seller and look for other alternatives. A successful organization is one which understands what it takes to meet customer requirements in order to satisfy their needs and expectations. A specific process is thus necessary to resolve any customer complaint or dispute. This process should be geared towards satisfying the customer’s needs and expectations. The parameters of this process should be referenced from the terms of the sale and purchase. This is why it is necessary to review the customer’s requirements before committing to the sales contract. It is necessary that the customer understands what he/she is paying for and it is equally necessary for the organization to understand what it is supposed to deliver. When your organization has these processes in place, then the only thing to do next is to continually measure the effectiveness and subsequently take actions to continually improve the whole process.
For more information, please visith http://www.iso9001-standard.us

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Implementing A Quality Management System

Implementing A Quality Management System
An ISO 9000:2008 quality management system can be implemented by following the steps detailed as follows:
1. Evaluate the organization’s need/goals for implementing a QMS Need may arise from repeated customer complaints; frequent warranty returns; delayed deliveries; high inventories; frequent production hold-ups; and high level of rework or rejection of products or services.
At this stage, identify the goals which you would like to achieve through a QMS, such as customer satisfaction, increased market share, improved communications and morale in the organization, greater efficiency and profitability, etc. Another objective in implementing a QMS may be a demonstration of compliance through third party certification, which may be requested by an important client or required for enlisting as a supplier to large companies, e.g., original equipment manufacturers (OEMs).
2. Obtain information about the ISO 9000 family
The persons identified for initiating the development of an ISO 9000 QMS need tounderstand the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 as read with ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 9001:2008.
Supporting information such as quality management principles, frequently asked questions (FAQs), guidance on clause 1.2 (application) of ISO 9001:2008, guidance on documentation requirements of ISO 9001:2008 and other brochures are available free of charge on the ISO web site;
3. Appoint a consultant, if necessary
If, within the organization, you do not have adequate competence to develop a QMS, you may appoint a consultant. Before doing so, it is good to check his/her background; knowledge about the product realization processes of your organization; and experience in helping other organizations to achieve their stated goals, including certification.
Carry out a cost-benefit analysis of hiring a consultant and agree the scope of his/her work in writing. It is also possible to appoint a consultant only for the training of key staff; the latter can then carry out further training and development of the system.
4. Awareness and training
Raise awareness about QMS requirements amongst all personnel performing activities that affect quality. Plan for and provide specific training on how to develop Quality Manuals; on procedures; on QMS planning; on how to identify and implement improvement processes; and on how to audit compliance with the QMS, etc.
The Institute of Quality Assurance (IQA), the American Society for Quality (ASQ)and the International Auditor and Training Certification Association (IATCA) can provide lists of training organizations.
5. Gap analysis
Evaluate gaps between your existing quality management system and the QMS requirements of ISO 9001. Prepare how to bridge these gaps, including by planning for any additional resources required. Gap analysis may be carried out through selfassessment or by the external consultant.
6. Product realization processes
Review clause 7 of ISO 9001:2008 relating to “Product realization” to determine how the requirements apply or do not apply to your company’s QMS.
The processes covered by this clause include:
• Customer-related processes
• Design and development
• Purchasing
• Production and service provision
• Control of measuring and monitoring devices
Note that if your company is not responsible for preparing the design of your product, you can exclude the requirement for “design and development” from your QMS and explain the reasons for doing so in your Quality Manual.
7. Staffing
Decide on the responsibilities of the persons who will be involved in developing and documenting the QMS, including the appointment of a management representative who will oversee the implementation of the QMS. Establishing a project Steering Committee may also prove useful to oversee progress and provide resources wherever required.
8. Planning a time frame
Prepare a complete plan to close the gaps identified in Step 5 to develop the QMS processes. In the plan, include activities to be performed, resources required, responsibilities and an estimated completion time for each activity. Clauses 4.1 and
7.1 of ISO 9001:2008 provide information that should be used when developing the plan. The total time required for each phase (planning, documentation, implementation and evaluation) depends on the extent of the gaps in your existing QMS.
9. Draft a Quality Manual
In your Quality Manual;
• Include how the QMS applies to the products, processes, locations and departments of the organization;
• Exclude any requirement with justification for doing so as decided in step 6
• Refer to or include documented procedures for QMS;
• Describe the interaction between the processes of the QMS, e.g., the interaction between product realization processes and other management, measurement and improvement processes; and
• Draft the quality policy and quality objectives for the organization.
The staff concerned in the organization should review the Quality Manual and the documented procedures so that their comments and suggestions can be taken into account before the Quality Manual and procedures are approved for issue and use.
The effective date of implementation should also be decided.
10. Carry out internal audits
During the phase of implementation of some three to six months after the documentation has been written, the trained auditors should carry out one or two internal audits covering all activities for the QMS, and concerned management should take corrective action on the audit findings without delay. Wherever required, revise the manuals, procedures and objectives. After each internal audit, the top management should review the effectiveness of the system and provide necessary resources for corrective actions and improvements.
11. Apply for certification
On satisfactory completion of Step 10, and if your company decides to obtain third party certification, you can make an application for certification to an accredited certification body. The certification audit process is explained section VII.
12. Conduct periodic evaluations
After certification, the organization should periodically conduct internal audits to review the effectiveness of the QMS and see how it can be “continually improved”. The organization should evaluate periodically if the purpose and goals (see Step 1) for which the QMS was developed are being achieved, including its continual improvement.

ISO 9001 Standards – Management Review

ISO 9001 StandardsManagement Review
Review the quality management system at planned intervals to:
- Assess possible opportunities for improvement
- Evaluate the need for any changes to the system
- Consider the need for changes to the quality policy and objectives
Maintain records of the management reviews.
Inputs for management review must include information on:
- Results of audits
- Customer feedback
- Process performance and product conformity
- Status of preventive and corrective actions
- Follow-up actions from earlier reviews
- Changes that could affect the quality system
- Recommendations for improvement
Outputs from the management review must include any decisions and actions related to:
- Improvement of the effectiveness of the quality management system and its processes
- Improvement of product related to customer requirements
- Resource needs
Ensure a suitable, adequate, and effective system

ISO 9001 Standards – Design and Development

ISO 9001 Standards - Design and Development
Plan and control the product design and development. This planning must determine the:
- Stages of design and development
- Appropriate review, verification, and validation activities for each stage
- Responsibility and authority for design and development
The interfaces between the different involved groups must be managed to ensure effective communication and the clear assignment of responsibility. Update, as appropriate, the planning output during design and development.
NOTE: Design and development review, verification, and validation have distinct purposes. They can be conducted and recorded separately or in any combination, as deemed suitable for the product and the organization.
Determine product requirement inputs and maintain records. The inputs must include:
- Functional and performance requirements
- Applicable statutory and regulatory requirements
- Applicable information derived from similar designs
- Requirements essential for design and development
Review these inputs for adequacy. Resolve any incomplete, ambiguous, or conflicting requirements.
Document the outputs of the design and development process in a form suitable for verification against the inputs to the process. The outputs must:
- Meet design and development input requirements
- Provide information for purchasing, production, and service
- Contain or reference product acceptance criteria
- Define essential characteristics for safe and proper use
- Be approved before their release
Perform systematic reviews of design and development at suitable stages in accordance with planned arrangements to:
- Evaluate the ability of the results to meet requirements
- The reviews must include representatives of the functions concerned with the stage being reviewed. Maintain the results of reviews and subsequent follow-up actions.
Identify problems and propose any necessary actions

ISO 9001 Standards – Control of Measuring and Monitoring Equipment

ISO 9001 Standards - Control of Measuring and Monitoring Equipment
Determine the monitoring and measurements to be made, and the required equipment, to provide evidence of product conformity. Use and control the monitoring and measuring devices to ensure that measurement capability is consistent with monitoring and measurement requirements.
Where necessary to ensure valid results:
- Calibrate and/or verify the measuring equipment at specified intervals or prior to use
- Calibrate the equipment to national or international standards (or record other basis)
- Adjust or re-adjust as necessary
- Identify the measuring equipment in order to determine its calibration status
- Safeguard them from improper adjustments
- Protect them from damage and deterioration
Assess and record the validity of prior results if the device is found to not conform to requirements. Maintain records of the calibration and verification results.
Confirm the ability of software used for monitoring and measuring for the intended application before its initial use (and reconfirmed as necessary).
NOTE: Confirming the ability of software to satisfy the intended application would typically include its verification and configuration management to maintain its suitability for use.

ISO 14001:2004 Standards Contents

ISO 14001:2004 Standards
ISO 14000 is a series of international standards on environmental management. It provides a framework for the development of an environmental management system and the supporting audit programme.
The main thrust for its development came as a result of the Rio Summit on the Environment held in 1992.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS), which requires that an organization consider the environmental aspects of its products and services.
Iso14000 approach forces you to take a hard look at all areas of your business that has an environmental impact.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
Iso14000 is the world’s first series of Internationally accepted Standards for Environmental Management Systems (EMS).
Iso14000 elevates Environmental Management to a Strategic Level that can be applied to any organization, from any industry, anywhere in the world.
ISO 14000 is a series of voluntary standards and guideline reference documents.
The part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, achieving, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy.
ISO 14000 is an Environmental Management System (EMS) who’s purpose is:
· A management commitment to pollution prevention.
· An understanding of the environmental impacts (reducing) of an organization’s activities.
A commitment (pollution prevention) to employees, neighbors and customers
ISO 14001 is the corner stone standard of the ISO 14000 series. It specifies a framework of control for an Environmental Management System against which an organization can be certified by a third party.
The environment cannot be protected by our convictions or goodwill alone. Efforts to protect the environment must be planned, coordinated and organized into a system, such as ISO 14001.
ISO14001 requires an Environmental Policy to be in existence within the organisation, fully supported by senior management, and outlining the policies of the company, not only to the staff but to the public. The policy needs to clarify compliance with Environmental Legislation that may effect the organization and stress a commitment to continuous improvement. Emphasis has been placed on policy as this provides the direction for the remainder of the Management System.
Those companies who have witnessed ISO9000 Assessments will know that the policy is frequently discussed during the assessment, many staff are asked if they understand or are aware of the policy, and any problems associated with the policy are seldom serious. The Environmental Policy is different, this provides the initial foundation and direction for the Management System and will be more stringently reviewed than a similar ISO9000 policy. The statement must be publicised in non-technical language so that it can be understood by the majority of readers. It should relate to the sites within the organisation encompassed by the Management System, it should provide an overview of the company’s activities on the site and a description of those activities. A clear picture of the company’s operations.
The preparatory review and definition of the organization’s environmental effects is not part of a ISO14001 Assessment, however examination of this data will provide an external audit with a wealth of information on the methods adopted by the company. The preparatory review itself should be comprehensive in consideration of input processes and output at the site. This review should be designed to identify all relevant environmental aspects that may arise from existence on the site. These may relate to current operations, they may relate to future, perhaps even unplanned future activities, and they will certainly relate to the activities performed on site in the past (i.e. contamination of land).
The initial or preparatory review will also include a wide-ranging consideration of the legislation which may effect the site, whether it is currently being complied with, and perhaps even whether copies of the legislation are available. Many of the environmental assessments undertaken already have highlighted that companies are often unaware of ALL of the legislation that affects them, and being unaware, are often not meeting the requirements of that legislation.
The company will declare its primary environmental objectives, those that can have most environmental impact. In order to gain most benefit these will become the primary areas of consideration within the improvement process, and the company’s environmental program. The program will be the plan to achieve specific goals or targets along the route to a specific goal and describe the means to reach those objectives such that they are real and achievable. The Environmental Management System provides further detail on the environmental program. The EMS establishes procedures, work instructions and controls to ensure that implementation of the policy and achievement of the targets can become a reality. Communication is a vital factor, enabling people in the organisation to be aware of their responsibilities, aware of the objectives of the scheme, and able to contribute to its success.
As with ISO9000 the Environmental Management System requires a planned comprehensive periodic audit of the Environmental Management System to ensure that it is effective in operation, is meeting specified goals, and the system continues to perform in accordance with relevant regulations and standards. The audits are designed to provide additional information in order to exercise effective management of the system, providing information on practices which differ to the current procedures or offer an opportunity for improvement.
In addition to audit, there is a requirement for Management Review of the system to ensure that it is suitable (for the organization and the objectives) and effective in operation. The management review is the ideal forum to make decisions on howe to improve for the future.
The newly revised ISO 14001:2004 specifies the requirements for an environmental management system (EMS), which provides a framework for an organization to control the environmental impacts of its activities, products and services, and to continually improve its environmental performance. It applies to those environmental aspects which the organization can control and over which it can be expected to have an influence. It does not itself state specific environmental performance criteria. ISO 14001:2004 is applicable to any organization that wishes to:
· implement, maintain and improve an environmental management system
· assure itself of its conformance with its stated environmental policy
· demonstrate such conformance to others
· seek certification/registration of its environmental management system by an external organization
· make a self-determination and self-declaration of conformance with this international standard.
All the requirements in this standard can be incorporated into any environmental management system. Having been revised, the improved ISO 14001 is now expected to bring the benefits of implementing an EMS to more businesses than ever. The standard is now easier to understand and use and has more detailed checklists for inputs and outputs from the management review and has increased compatibility to ISO 9001. Organizations who are currently registered to ISO 14001:1996 will have an 18-month transition period to register to ISO 14001:2004.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Requirements for Product Environmental Quality Assurance

All Mandatory Requirements for Product Environmental Quality Assurance need to be carried out in the following manner1. Establish a system that meets all requirements2. Ensure the system is stable and efficient.3. Document the processes and procedures4. Keep records of the system’s performance.
The assigned management of the supplier shall establish a system to prevent BannedSubstances from being used in the products and packaging.(1) To determine policies and methods for ensuring Product Environment Quality.(2) To assign a person to be in charge of managing Product Environment Quality(“Product Environmental Quality Management Representative”)(3) To establish an organization in managing Product Environment Quality,determine responsibilities, authorities, roles of each department and familiarize allmembers in each department with the importance of Product Environment Quality.(4) To establish a “Cadmium-Free Factory”(5) To review the adequacy and efficiency of the system.
Maintenance of the SystemThe supplier shall maintain the system in a condition to be able to respond to therequests for Product Environment Quality and instruction letters to suppliers),ensure the system is properly functioning.(1) Plan and carry out an internal audit at least once a year.(2) When Non-conforming Products or defects are found in the system, the suppliershall conduct an internal audit immediately.(3) The assigned management for Product Environment Products at the suppliershall revise the system according to the results of the internal audit if necessary.
Documents, Data and RecordsThe supplier should manage documents, verification data related to ProductEnvironment Quality.(1) Keep documents, verification data for three years or longer, if required by law.(2) Provide documents and verification data when requested.(3) Review the documents regularly and keep them updated instructions
Selection of Materials and PartsThe supplier has to comply with the following request when selecting material and parts.(1) “No Use of Banned Substances Allowed” (or equal) must be mentioned in allrelevant documents (specifications, blueprints, purchase orders, etc)(2) Materials must not contain any Banned Substances.(3) Only purchase Designated Raw Materials from Green Partners.